Call 0800 25 46 46


  • How long does it take to paint my pool?

    In most instances the process takes between three to five days.

  • How long can I expect the paint to last?

    Epoxy paint can last from 7-10 years. The more you maintain your pool and your pool water chemistry, the longer the epoxy paint will last. Due to the hardening processing during application, epoxy provides better resistance to pool chemicals resulting in prolonged durability of your new surface. Epoxy coatings require experienced personnel to administer and are applied to manufacturers recommended thickness and specifications.

  • Once our pool is repainted, how soon can we start swimming in it?

    We recommend you leave your newly painted pool for seven days before refilling it with water again. This gives time for the coating to completely dry and bond.

  • Do you guarantee your work?

    We sure do. The preparation and application have a standard conditional warranty of 12-months in which time any issues that are likely to appear, will.

  • Do you travel to my area?

    Our business is based in Hamilton, Waikato. However, we service the greater Waikato, South Auckland, Bay of Plenty and South Waikato down to and including Taupo. If you’re unsure please call us on 0800 25 46 46 – we’d love to chat to you about your pool project.

  • Do you fix cracks or other areas which appear to be leaking?

    Pool painting is our speciality but we accept it makes complete and utter sense to fix any cracks or leaks before we repaint your pool. We can point you in the right direction of some suppliers who can do the repair work before we repaint your pool.

  • How do you prepare the pool for repainting?

    We offer two preparation options:

    1. Our most popular preparation (and the one we highly recommend) is to remove the existing painted surface by way of sandblasting. In doing that, we start with a clean substrate void of any blemishes, defects or flaws in the concrete or plaster.
    2. If your pool has an existing painted surface that you’d like to retain, we will drain the pool and then apply a cleaning agent to the painted surface. This is then thoroughly removed by a water blaster, leaving a completely clean surface for inspection. Any bare concrete or plaster will be exposed and can then be repaired, eliminating any potential future problems.
  • How many colours are there to choose from?

    We used to offer a choice of 12 pool paint colours, but over time we have seen first-hand how New Zealand’s harsh UV environment destroys dark coloured pool paint by causing it to break down and/or oxidise. We work with one colour only now: ‘Swimming Pool Blue’. This particular pool paint is the only one that is recommended for submersion and chemical resistance in pools by our New Zealand paint suppliers. We understand this limitation of colour choice might be frustrating but we want to make sure that we provide the best long term solution we can for our customers and this is the only pool paint, in our experience, that stands the test of time.

  • Can I change the existing colour of my pool?

    You absolutely can! As part of our preferred preparation process we sandblast away the old paint so we can prep the concrete surface to make sure the new ‘Swimming Pool Blue’ coloured paint bonds perfectly.

  • Can I leave my newly painted pool empty for months at a time over winter?

    New Zealand has one of the harshest UV environments of anywhere in the world, so we strongly urge you not to empty your pool over the winter months. Keeping your pool empty for an extended period of time can cause damage to the structure. In the long run, it is cheaper and less of a hassle to maintain your pool water chemistry through winter than it is to have to repair and repaint your pool repeatedly.

  • Is it cheaper to fix my old concrete (or liner) pool – or should I rip it out and put a new one in?

    We can think of very few instances, if any, where a new pool is anywhere remotely as affordable as repairing your existing one – even if it’s leaking and horribly faded. We offer an obligation-FREE quote service to help you determine the best way forward for you and your pool project.

  • Can we come and see you?

    You sure can. We’d love to talk about your pool project. Because we’re often out on-site, please be sure to give us a call before you stop by: 0800 25 46 46

  • Can I get a free quote?

    Absolutely! We offer an obligation FREE Quote service to help you determine the best way forward for you and your pool project.

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